MEET Bill Fergusson
Generations of family history, and leadership in Trousdale County.
I'm Bill Fergusson and as you may know, I'm running to be your next Mayor of Trousdale County.
I'd like to ask a minute of your time today to tell you a bit about me, and my life here in and out of Trousdale County. I hope you will find that my life experiences have prepared me to be your next Mayor.
Born and raised here in Trousdale County, I grew up on our family farm, with a legacy dating back five (5) generations to 1826. I grew up on Hawkins Branch Rd. in the house built by my parents and where my mother still lives, today. I grew up farming, with early mornings and long days of hard work and learned a ton of valuable lessons along the way, all the way through grade school into high school.
Upon graduation from Trousdale County High in 1982, I attended Volunteer State Community College and received my associate degree. From there I attended Austin Peay State University and received my Bachelors degree in the spring of 1987.
While at Austin Peay I also "walked on" and made the Football team in the spring of 1984. Later, I served as an undergraduate football assistant for the Governors. That is where my coaching career began.
In the fall of 1987 I completed my student teaching at Hunters Lane High School in Nashville and while there I volunteered and assisted with their high school football team.
After completion of student teaching I decided to venture out into the world and located a teaching and coaching position In Savannah, Georgia. I lived in Savannah, Covington, and Conyers Georgia in various teaching and coaching positions, living in GA for almost a decade.
But Tennessee was not finished with me as it turns out and in 1995 I married the best and cutest girl in the whole world; a Georgia "Peach" named Tonya Baker. She and I moved to Tennessee and we resided in Old Hickory TN (just outside Nashville). When moving to Tennessee, I made a career move and left the Education system to go into sporting good sales. I worked with mainly High schools across Tennessee
As it turns out Trousdale County wasn't finished with me either. In 2003, my wife Tonya and I moved back to Trousdale County to raise our family. We lived back in the Family farm home that my ancestors lived in while we built our home on the same Hawkins Branch Rd!
Career wise, I started my career as a Public school Teacher. Later, I became a sales representative and Regional Sales manager in the sporting goods business. Today, I am a full time Realtor as well as a small business owner. I'd like to cover the career aspects of my life and how the different career positions have prepared me to best take on the role as your next Mayor in the "Why Section" of this site. My focus today is to help you know more about me and my family!
Thanks for your time today! I hope to see you in the coming months in my campaign travels, and eager to see you at the polls in August!

Bill's Hobbies
* Farming * Real Estate * Traveling with Family * Golf * Family Sporting Events
* Vacations to the Beach * Atlanta Braves Fan * TN Titans Fan * TN Volunteers Fan
"Yes, that's me. I am Pat's boy."
Family History

With five generations of my heritage working and living in Trousdale County, it would be an understatement to say just how much Trousdale County means to me and my family.
When my parents, Pat and Nancy Fergusson, decided to build a new home on the Fergusson family farm on Hawkins Branch Rd. in 1971; my brother John and I lived with my grandmother Ruby Fergusson so we could start school. Our home was completed later that year in the fall and my mother lives there still.
I grew up on the farm there on Hawkins Branch as did my dad, my granddad Johnny Fergusson, and his dad Pat Fergusson. The farm has been in our family since 1826. It’s registered as one of the oldest family owned farms in the State!
As I grew up we raised cows and tobacco, and I assisted with all the things that a farm requires. Along the way, my dad served as County Executive (now titled as Mayor) of Trousdale County serving from 1988 til 2002 when he retired.
He first entered the office as an elected official to finish the final two years of the then-seated Executive. Based on his strong ethics, his successful accomplishments and his overall improvements in our community, my dad was re-elected another three times for the office, we now call Mayor. And I very much intend to live up to his legacy and do my father proud, serving as yours!
Nowadays, our family works and plays together in a variety of outings, sports occasions and all that raising a family brings to a proud set of parents.
My wife Tonya and I have been married for 26 years now and have raised our three children on our family farm. Luke (25), is working on becoming a registered Nurse; Katelyn (21) is graduating from East Tennessee State this upcoming May and Jake (16), is a sophomore at Trousdale County High here in Trousdale County. Trousdale is a great place to live and raise a family!
We also currently raise a small heard of cows.

Bill Fergusson Fun Facts
* Our entire family is left handed!! No problems sitting around the dinner table.
* When I was a walk-on at Austin Peay football, Coach Emory Hill told me I was "never gonna play" and asked why I was here - I said, "because I want to coach." And he started me coaching instead!
* The Hwy 141 section of Lebabon to Hartsville, into Trousdale County, is called the Pat Fergusson Hwy, named after my Dad.
* My sixth (6th) Great Grand Father, John Sevier, was the first governor of TN.
* My favorite saying, proven to be true: "No good deed goes unpunished!"
* When I wanted to spread my wings after college, I closed my eyes and pointed on a map for my next destination - it turned up Savannah, GA. and I lived there for 10 years.
* My favorite baseball game: first-row seats behind home plate watching the Atl Braves!
* I am also a Realtor, selling many new homes across the area, welcoming many new families to our community.
(615) 927-3622