WHY Bill Fergusson
A new mayor based on a resume of EXPERIENCED LEADERSHIP.

Currently serving in his fourth (4th) term as County Commissioner from District 8 and as Vice Chairman of the Trousdale County Commission for the last 11 years, Bill Fergusson has a lot to bring to the table when it comes to serving as your next Mayor of Trousdale County.
First and foremost he brings not only his deeply-rooted family history originating in Trousdale County, but he also brings his resume of positions held, initiatives passed and his continued camaraderie among fellow Commission members while serving on a variety of Commission committees. Fergusson has been on the front lines of county governance for the past 15 years, directing and guiding continual improvements in a vast array of divisions and disciplines imperative to a thriving Trousdale County past, present and future.
While contributing to various Commission committees, Fergusson has been studying specific issues facing the county, reporting and recommending to the full commission the findings of the committee and helping shape the landscape of Trousdale County. With his invaluable tenure, Bill Fergusson brings expert insight and delivers EXPERIENCED LEADERSHIP as your next Mayor of Trousdale County.
Experienced Leadership

Bill Fergusson Committee Appointments, Past and Present
Park and Recreation Committee
Budget and Finance
( Both CH and VC )
Economic Development
2010- Present
Employee Personnel
( CH since 2014 )
2011- Present
Steering Committee
2011- Present
Emergency Services Committee
( VC )
Audit Committee
( CH )
Local Government
Prison Relations
Education Committee
( CH )
Law Enforcement
Solid Waste
2011- Present
County Commission
Chairman Pro Tempore

More Reasons to Elect Bill Fergusson as Mayor
Bill Fergusson and his family have been a part of the Willard Community for generations past and present. Growing up on the family farm, Bill learned valuable life lessons, the responsibility of hard work, dependability, and care for his community.
Outside of leadership within Trousdale governing committees, Fergusson has worked as a public school educator, a sales representative, a multi-state regional sales manager in the sporting goods industry and a realtor representing local home sellers and buyers.
Bill and his wife Tonya (marrried 26 years) have chosen Trousdale County to reside and raise their three children, Luke (24), Katelyn (21) and Jake (16). As a former educator himself, Fergusson remains proud of his children’s education in the Trousdale County School system, vowing as a top priority, that the local education system remain strong and vibrant.
Following in the footsteps of his dad, Pat (County Executive/Mayor 1988-2002), Bill Fergusson also provides the same strong communication skills, a successful ability for setting and achieving a variety of goals, the desire to converse and listen to the constituents addressing needs in the community, the inspiration for impactful decisions and a passion seeking out positive long lasting effects for the residents of Trousdale County.
Bill Fergusson possesses one of the most important and integral abilities of being a successful Mayor. Working closely with the elected officials of the 10 districts within the county commission, Bill is committed to tackling the many important issues that face the county.
Bill Fergusson wants to hear from you!
Click below to contact Bill today.
WHY I am running for Mayor:
It's simple really; I have a desire to help make a positive difference in our future and our community growth. We are in need of a mayor who is willing to work alongside the elected county commission and other community members, ensuring that Trousdale county remains such a special place to live! For a variety of reasons, I feel I am best suited to re-establish this relationship as your next Mayor!
As a Realtor here in Trousdale County, I see the changes taking place in our county. Middle Tennessee is currently the 3rd hottest real estate market in the Nation. Think about that for a minute! People are moving here to Tennessee from all over. Local property values are increasing at a rate never seen before. Homes are being built, communities are being forged and changed. In the coming years it will take many good decisions from our local leaders to properly manage this growth and I wish to make sure (with the help of many local leaders ) to do what is best for all Trousdale Countians, fortifying the present, as we go into the future!

I also have had the honor to serve for four (4) terms as a District 8 County Commissioner. I've served as the County Vice Chairman for the past 11 years. In this role I've been very active serving on many of the various committees. In our current election, no other current candidate has served in as much as even county commissioner. Unfortunately, other candidates have never sat in the seat with other commissioners across the county, acting with perhaps much less experience making the important decisions that have to be made for our county's future.
I have, however, and continue doing so right up to election day! I have built my leadership experience by working with others to accomplish goals, and making, what are sometimes, difficult decisions. I strongly believe this experience will serve me well as your new Mayor, and serve you well in our neighborhoods throughout Trousdale. I know how to work with our commission members on matters that affect our community.
The commission members are elected by their respective districts throughout the county (as is the Mayor) and their voices and concerns are vitally important. It will be a top priority, and I look forward to working "WITH" the commission as your next Mayor! It's been over 40 years (possibly going back to Ray Foley who served as what now is called Mayor from 1976-1980 ) since a sitting County Commissioner became Mayor of Trousdale County. I am asking for your vote, hoping to be the next one to do so!
So much has changed since I served my first term on the Commission. Commissioners are much more involved these days, than in the past. Many committee meetings (usually during evening time) occur during the weeks leading up to a regular scheduled county commission meeting. In these committee meetings, we study a particular item and/or items that the commission will later deliberate and vote on. Being the Mayor is not a position to simply "walk" into without the needed experience, understanding of the issues, or the leadership for how local government works. The upcoming years we face, require "Experienced Leadership."
And along with many others here in Trousdale County, I know we can tackle the challenges we face, and as we work "together" to achieve the positive outcomes, I'm confident we will make Trousdale County and Hartsville an even better place to call home!
"I am very grateful for your support and I'm asking for your VOTE!"
ENDORESEMENTS to Elect Bill Fergusson for Mayor