In the entertainment industry, it is all about the timing, and that is what makes this opportunity so perfect. My family and I have my family and I have personally been working hard on the finishing touches to our 32 foot Luhrs and with a few more strokes, she is nearly ready to relaunch.
As we discussed, the purpose of this vessel and our cause is to bring happiness and joy to the lives of the incredible man and women in our midst who have served our country overseas in combat, as well as those that are right here at home, protecting our streets and the freedom we are so very grateful to have. We also embrace and support programs to help victims of cancer, or the victims of other events that have changed life as they knew it and turned their world upside down. We are committed to providing these heroes with special moments when they may be feeling they are isolated and alone after giving for our country. If you could see the look on the faces of our guests you would understand the joy our trips bring to them, which provides the perfect opportunity to share those moments with a public that appreciates the companies making these moments come to life.
My band and I are using our talents and time through music to remind our countrymen and women of the many heroes in our communities we wrote "Brave Men" in 2009, as a tribute to these heroes, and when we open for Jason Aldean at one of his concert events in 2011, I played the song in front of 16,000 fans to a standing ovation! "Brave Men" is only one of many songs we written that pay tribute to our heroes. FISHIN 4 HEROES gives us another stage to do the same, but on a more personal level.
Now back to the timing… There are more reasons that make this opportunity so perfect! We are committing a lot of funds at this time, getting ready to embark on not only a video of our new song “101 Proof” to be made by one of the best producers in the industry but also in nationwide radio tour to take her music and our capabilities to the market.
I believe you and your company, while looking for new mediums to advertise your products and services, recognize that to gain the benefit of brand recognition while also supporting a service that is appreciated on many levels is the making of a strong public relations addition to your marketing plan. FISHIN 4 HEROES does just that. The Colton James music team includes our band, my family, our merchant sponsors, and our host of professionals working behind-the-scenes to take us to the top in the country music industry. For your support of FISHIN 4 HEROES, we propose the following plan:
Up to 20 fishing trips in the next year, with as many as four 4 per trip.
Participation in fishing tournaments – 4 per year.
An acoustic performance, including myself and my guitar player if not the whole band, at an event identified by our team and yours as a venue that reaches out to your target market.
Cooperative advertising in publications in radio/news media.
Website links on our sites to your company.
Social media site networking links.
The benefit of other merchant sponsors, such as the Guy Harvey Corp. Who has agreed to provide T-shirts and other items for our guests on each trip.
I am proud to be an American, proud to support our heroes and excited about the opportunity that this initiative has to offer! We look forward to more discussions with you soon… The time is now! Thanks for your time and interest.
Colton James for…
Colton, Cassie, Hailey and Austin James and the entire Colton James music team!!