​Gold Coast Fidelity - Crowdsource Investing:
Do you have friends that would like to multiply their money??
If yes, and you would like to provide the opportunity for them, AND yourself to do so, we have a great option for you!
Crowd Source Funding - As more crowd puts in, more crowd are paid out!
Gold Coast Fidelity: Our Objective
Invest in others while we invest in ourselves.
Win big in finances and win big in humanity!
How it Works
The process is simple, effective and affordable.
1. Purchase your NOTE.
2. Upon maturity of the NOTE, receive your benefit.
Yes, it IS that simple!
CONTRIBUTE to the fund, then RECEIVE the dividends of the fund!
The beauty of Gold Coast Fidelity crowdsource investing, is that in between those two steps, you can choose a passive role, or choose to play an active role in the funding, and therefore actively direct your own timeline between purchase and maturity!
When you make your contribution - Snap a pic and show your friends that you are in!
When you receive your rewards - Snap a pic of your check, and show your friends your rewards!
Our Approach
Manifest your own joy! AND help manifest the joy of others!
1. Make your contribution to Gold Coast Fidelity crowdsourcing fund of your choice.
2. Offer and attract your friends to the same opportunities!
3. Reap the rewards of your own matured NOTE.
4. Repeat!
Yes, YOU CAN control your own destiny!
You choose how much AND you can choose how fast!
It’s not a scam, it’s not illegal, it's not multi-level marketing, there is no trickery or swindle involved. In fact, it’s the exact opposite! You CAN actually help others WHILE you help yourself!
It's not stocks, it's not bonds. it' not your typical approach.
It's community.
It's a cry to rally together the ambitious, grasping the initiative and the activation of crowdsourcing prosperity. All so that we can in the future perhaps, increase in stocks, bonds and community, to grow, celebrate and contribute together.
It's the chance to reach out and ask for help from others, while in return, offering them the opportunity to do so as well. It's the opportunity to thrive because of, through, for and with the help of your friends.
It's the opportunity to build a community of great people who deserve great things!
And when was the last time you had the potential to quadruple your earnings to do so!?
Want to give yourself your best chance to win, and provide the same for your friends!?
For those that answer yes, contribute today and invite others to join in the fund as well! It's that simple, effective and affordable! You've heard about the greatness in the laws of attraction, this is one of the opportunities to activate it! This is designed as an opportunity for good people to catch a great break! Get in line early and you could win big. Procrastinate to the end of the line and you could lose it all. Which one is your choice?
In our goal for good people to help other good people as well, we build our own community of wise, active and ambitious friends and partners, so that we can all help each other rise above the strife and succeed in our own goals. We lean on our own crowdsourcing brethren to join us in the climb and together, we achieve our success and our victories, by our own choices to do so.
At Gold Coast Fidelity, we realize this approach may not be for everyone. It does take a winning attitude and a winning activation, to win at this game. If others choose to lay back and do nothing to help themselves, then yes, the reward may equal the efforts, and they walk with nothing. We do not wish for that to happen. If you are of the latter, perhaps reconsider partaking in this particular opportunity, as there is a risk relational to your efforts. We are not seeking those that do not wish to participate. If you are last in line, then yes, you may lose out on your investment.
If however, you choose to be in the front of the line, uniting in our goals and our persistence to achieve them, we can win, and we can win big! And yes, the win is our own growth and success, but an even bigger win is when we help others with the same! In most cases, we know exactly who we are helping, by offering them this same opportunity. In many cases however, we may never know or meet the others that we help along the way, and we can all sleep at night knowing that our own efforts randomly helped someone else improve their lifestyle too! Regardless, when we pay-it-forward, contributing to others dreams, it comes back to us multiple-fold. Pay-it-forward today!
And when you win, please use your earnings for good over evil. We have far too much deception, deceit and corruption in the world today. Gold Coast Fidelity is intended for those who make wise, responsible and rewarding decisions that contribute not only to their own finances, but provide a positive impact at large. Please make smart choices with your earnings: Pay off debts, provide joy, and give back.
If your financial gain is to only wield more power, struggle, cheating and manipulation into our society, this is not the place for you. Please move on to another destination immediately.
But First Things First
Opposed to typical complicated algorithms, extraneous trends, uncontrolable volatility and a bevy of discerning obstacles along the way, Gold Coast Fidelity INSTEAD, offers a simple and cost effective plan for your own growth, and the rewards of your own pursuit.
When choosing one's Gold Coast Fidelity fund selection:
A. Determine how much to invest.
B. Determine how much for it to multiply.
C. Decide how quickly to multiply.
Once the path is determined, next begin with the contribution to the fund and purchase the chosen Gold Coast Fidelity Note for maturity. Simply click the fund decided above, click for the transaction, enter the account data required, and enter the fund immediately. Shipping fees are added to the balance covering the standard Pay Pal fees charged in the external account transaction.
Now a contributor, consider immediately beginning the manifestation of your own rewards while passing along the same opportunities to others.
Build your tribe - this is the key to your success. Crowdsource investing is all about the next person to enter into the fund, and THIS is the step empowering others to build their success, while building yours as well. Depending on your choice (C) for how quickly you would like your investment to multiply, invite your family, friends and colleagues into the exact same fund. Once they contribute to the same fund as you have, the maturity of your Note is a step closer. Then they do the same thing.
Without the crowd, crowdsourcing doesn't exist, and neither does your return on investment. Build your tribe and spread the wealth amongst your friends and colleagues.
Upon maturity of the Note, contributors then receive the benefits of the fund as first enacted, in the steps A, B, and C chosen above.
The maturity of the Note is based on the chronologic entry of additional contributors and crowdsourcing investors along the way. Should many others contribute quickly, the investor can receive the benefits quickly as well.
For the BEST chances at success; enter soon, build your tribe and repeat. Those who choose to invest their finances, as well as their efforts in building their tribe around them stand to reap the greatest rewards. Those who enter soon fortify their odds of success. Those who wait until the end, will be the ones to lose out.
Synopsis: Enter soon, build your tribe, reap your rewards, repeat!
The maturity can be left to random chronology if you wish – and/or – you can take an active role reaching your intended goals.
Should you take a passive role in your investment, it will be left up to others to contribute and you may not see the return on investment as intended.
Should you take an active role however, you can instead produce your own results desired, invite friends and family into the opportunity, and seek out your own rewards as they do!
We realize your first goal may be to help yourself in investing. It is the goal of Gold Coast Fidelity as well! It is also our goal that contributors realize that their crowdsource funding is actually helping SO many others with the same goal! We invite other altruistic and fiduciary-minded participants that not only seek your own benefits, but as you invite others into the fund as well, we hope you realize that they now have the same opportunity to thrive because you were there to help them do so. With your contribution to the fund, you help secure the benefits of the others that came before you. As you attract others thereafter, they then fund yours too.
As chronological rotations pass, maturity of the Note is realized, the contributor receives their reward and they exit the fund as a success. When we unite our like-minded and ambitious colleagues, we all choose to win, for as long as we can all continue with the same goals. We DO have strength in numbers. Literally!
Once the Note is realized, we welcome previous contributors to re enter, remain in the family, and begin the process again.
Contribute today! Enter for as much, or as little, as you would like, for as much risk vs. reward as you would like as well!
NOTE: - incoming contributions are frozen at a minimum of three (3) weeks, during inspections, policing, and security clearance processes. Fraudulent and falsified contributions will not be returned.
Investment Disclaimer
Although the material contained in this website was prepared based on information from public and private sources that GOLD COAST FIDELITY believes to be reliable, no representation, warranty or undertaking, stated or implied, is given as to the accuracy of the information contained herein, and GOLD COAST FIDELITY, as well as any official associations thereof, expressly disclaims any liability for the accuracy and completeness of information contained in this website.
This website is distributed for general informational and educational purposes only and is not intended to constitute legal, tax, accounting or investment advice. The information, opinions and views contained herein have not been tailored to the investment objectives of any one individual, are current only as of the date hereof and may be subject to change at any time without prior notice. GOLD COAST FIDELITY does not have any obligation to provide revised opinions in the event of changed circumstances. All investment strategies and investments involve risk of loss. Nothing contained in this website should be construed as investment advice. Any reference to an investment’s past or potential performance is not, and should not be construed as, a recommendation or as a guarantee of any specific outcome or profit.
Any ideas or strategies discussed herein should not be undertaken by any individual without prior consultation with a financial professional for the purpose of assessing whether the ideas or strategies that are discussed are suitable to one’s own personal financial objectives, needs and risk tolerance. GOLD COAST FIDELITY expressly disclaims any liability or loss incurred by any person who acts on the information, ideas, purchases or strategies discussed herein.
The information contained herein is not, and shall not constitute an offer to sell, a solicitation of an offer to buy or an offer to purchase any securities, nor should it be deemed to be an offer, or a solicitation of an offer, to purchase or sell any investment product or service.
For additional information, please read carefully, GOLD COAST FIDELITY