Please Donate to Island Warriors
Tax Deductible Donations:
Created in early 2019, Island Warriors is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization in place to enhance the mental health of Combat Veterans, through travel, recreation, and exercise. Founder, Arthur Bush, seeks funding to invite military vets to visit his hometown Caribbean island, of Utila Honduras to ”enjoy the same type of life that I did as a kid; to get away from the everyday stress we all endure, to enjoy life in this paradise, to experience adventures that you find exhilarating and inspiring, and overall, just provide an opportunity for our fellow veterans to do things they have may not have ever done before.”
Island Warriors (EIN: 84–4615348) is declared as a public charity by the United States Department of the Treasury Internal Revenue Service. Donor contributions to Island Warriors are tax deductible itemizations under IRC section 170. As a nonprofit charity status, the Island Warriors organization also welcomes tax deductible bequests, devices, transfers or gifts under IRC section 2055, 2106, or 2522.
Let Veterans Know You Care.
Download the VA National
Suicide Data Report 2005–2016
Issued by the Department of Defense, this state by state report is part of a larger VA report called “The Office of Mental Health and Suicide Prevention (OMHSP) National Suicide Data Report”. It was recently updated in June 2018. The biggest update was that the number of suicides a day was reduced from 22 to 20.6 suicides every day. 16.8 were veterans and 3.8 were active-duty service members, guardsmen and reservists.
Texas and Florida both lost 530 veterans to suicide – the most in the country
Hawaii, Rhode Island and North Dakota suffering the least
Older veterans aged 55 -74 killed themselves the most
70% of vets killed themselves with a firearm
The suicide rate among middle-age and older adult Veterans remains high.
In 2014, approximately 65 percent of all Veterans who died by suicide were age 50 or older.
After adjusting for differences in age and sex, risk for suicide was 22 percent higher among Veterans when compared to U.S. non-Veteran adults.
After adjusting for differences in age, risk for suicide was 19 percent higher among male Veterans when compared to U.S. non-Veteran adult men.
After adjusting for differences in age, risk for suicide was 2.5 times higher among female Veterans when compared to U.S. non-Veteran adult women.
You CAN Make A Difference!
With the goal of helping as many military veterans as possible, those suffering with PTSD, depression, physical and other mental challenges, Island Warriors asks of your donations to fund these trips to the island, for the much needed retreat from daily struggles and maybe even saving a life from the staggering increase of Veteran suicides. For each Veteran we wish to serve , each one incurs a $2000 USD expense for travel accommodations and excursions. We welcome any amount you may wish to donate, but very much welcome the sponsorship of a Veteran's retreat to ensure we can include another Vet on our trip.
Inspired by the Founder's friend who could fight off the enemy, but couldn't fight off his own demons, Island Warriors is here to help. Unfortunately that help has an expense to it and we cannot do it alone. We must ask of your contributions to help save our friends, our brothers, our sisters, and any Vet that has come back wounded. Just as the report states above with a decrease form the horrible 22, you can help even more get to a number that needs to be 0.
For those that have donated in the past, we cannot thank you enough and truly wish you could see more of the smiles on the faces of our former combat soldiers, that you helped make possible.
Many of our Veterans return home from combat with very deep-seeded, dark demons that challenge their every day existence. With your donation, more smiles are made instead of tragedies, and we hope you will click now to donate!