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Trousdale Positive: WHAT and HOW

Please contact me to share whats on your mind and lets work together, Trousdale!

While preparing some campaign signs, I also knocked on a couple doors in the community. I had the pleasure of meeting some of our fine folks of Trousdale County and one of my favorite responses I received, were a couple folks stating, “I have never had a politician actually come out to meet ME.”

I was thrilled to not only meet some of our neighbors, but then also some great conversations were had as well, sharing dreams and visions for Trousdale. Some great questions were asked and my new friends seemed receptive to my answers. And I don’t mean the typical, ambiguous, vague answers provided as misdirection, but I had a great time sharing some specifics and details of 'what and how' in our initiatives. Please accept my invite, Trousdale.

I so enjoyed the opportunity to listen to some concerns and I truly want to know - what would you like to see while I am in office? – this election is not only about my desire to lead this county, but more so how to lead the best I can. Here is my cell phone number – please give me a call anytime - I am here to listen. (615) 927-3622

For a couple examples of the what and how, I was invited to share some of my dreams and visions for Trousdale. My most simple version of that answer, is to “do POSITIVE for Trousdale County!”

A couple of my dreams for ‘Trousdale Positive,’ for example, are:

1. I will work towards building a Trousdale County Community Center. Like many other communities, we too should have a destination for swimming pools, a walking track, basketball courts, racquetball courts, weight room, etc. I would like us to be a fun, healthy and positive community for future generations to come.

And how will we pay for it? I will earmark the newly expiring wheel tax pending a new referendum, and our neighbors can decide to support the initiative or not.

2. Our current leadership are missing a huge opportunity with the beautiful Cumberland riverfront that runs through our county. Not only would I like to develop our riverfront for added beauty, attraction, activity, tourism, and revenue for our county, but I would specifically like to start with the recreational park plans that have been shelved for quite some time now.

I would like to bring this project back to life. It will take a lot to pick up where these plans were left off, but I plan to work with the Army Corp of Engineers, and very quickly start seeking the permissions and funding required, while simultaneously working with our County Commissioners to revive this project and focus on beautification of Trousdale County, and the added value these projects provide us all.

Yes, we need a new jail and that will take place as well as other necessities of the county, but for ‘Trousdale Positive,’ our own centralized locations for gathering and activity are a couple of my first goals on the list!

I welcome your thoughts!

How do you feel about a new community center and beautification of our riverfront?

Election day for Trousdale County Mayor, is Thursday, August 4th 2022.

Early Voting begins Friday, July 15th 2022. I am asking for your support and vote for my EXPERIENCED LEADERSHIP as the Mayor of Trousdale County.



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