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My Dad's Highway

Updated: Mar 25, 2022

So proud to run for Mayor, stepping up to follow in the footsteps of my dad and the great things my dad accomplished for our community. And yes it's an easy perspective, as his son, to have seen the greatness in my dad. But it's also such an honor that others recognized his dedication and his service to our fellow Trousdalians. Even all the way up to the Governor!

See below the state of Tennessee House Joint Resolution naming a portion of State Route 141 the "Pat Fergusson Memorial Highway." That's my dad! : )

STATE OF TENNESSEE HOUSE JOINT RESOLUTION NO. 796 By Representative Bone and Senators Beavers, Black

A RESOLUTION to name a segment of State Route 141 in Trousdale County in honor of the late Pat Fergusson.

WHEREAS, from time to time, the members of this General Assembly have seen fit to name certain highways and bridges to honor those exemplary public servants who, during their lifetimes, contributed significantly to the growth and prosperity of their respective communities; and

WHEREAS, no Tennessean is more deserving of this honor than the late Pat Fergusson, who served with compassion and integrity as the Hartsville/Trousdale County Executive for nearly fourteen years, from November 8, 1988 until his retirement on August 31, 2002; and

WHEREAS, Mr. Fergusson provided inspired leadership throughout his distinguished tenure and was responsible for many worthwhile projects, perhaps the most important of which is the improvement to State Route 141 that is under construction; and

WHEREAS, the Hartsville/Trousdale County Commission has petitioned this Body to name this improved segment of State Route 141 in honor of Mr. Fergusson as a memorial to his loyal and dedicated service to his fellow citizens in building a better future for them and their families; and WHEREAS, the General Assembly concurs with this excellent proposal; now, therefore,

BE IT RESOLVED BY THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF THE ONE HUNDRED SIXTH GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF TENNESSEE, THE SENATE CONCURRING, that the improved segment of State Route 141 under construction in Trousdale County is hereby designated the "Pat Fergusson Memorial Highway" as a lasting tribute to one of the finest public officials this state has ever known.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the department of transportation is directed to erect suitable signs or to affix suitable markers designating the segment of State Route 141 described in Section 1 as the "Pat Fergusson Memorial Highway.” BE IT FURTHER

RESOLVED, that the erection of such signs shall be within the guidelines prescribed by the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that this resolution shall become operative only if the federal highway administrator advises the commissioner of transportation in writing that the provisions of this resolution shall not render Tennessee in violation of federal laws and regulations and subject to penalties prescribed therein.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that his resolution shall become operative only if the cost of the manufacture and installation of such signs is paid to the department of transportation by Hartsville/Trousdale County within one (1) year of the effective date of this resolution. Such payment shall be made prior to any expenditure by the state for the manufacture or installation of such signs. The department shall return any unused portion of the estimated cost to Hartsville/Trousdale County within thirty (30) days of the erection of such signs. If the actual cost exceeds the estimated cost, an amount equal to the difference in such costs shall be remitted to the department by Hartsville/Trousdale County within thirty (30) days of the county receiving an itemized invoice of the actual cost from the department.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the appellation "Pat Fergusson Memorial Highway" provided for in this resolution is for honorary purposes only and nothing contained herein shall be construed as requiring the alteration of any address or the governmental system for assigning addresses in any county, municipality, or other governmental entity affected by this resolution.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that an enrolled copy of this resolution be transmitted to the Commissioner of Transportation.

ADOPTED: May 24, 2010 APPROVED: June 2, 2010

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